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Fotokiss "Live From the Internet" Preview

The photos in this set were created, uploaded to the Internet and this web page was written by FotoKiss
Be sure to visit often for new tips and tutorials.
Image Size: 400 x 300      Image Quality: 40%
File Size: 13 K ( 13559 Bytes )
Image Size: 96 x 96      Image Quality: 100 %
File Size: 8 K ( 8444 Bytes )
Image Size: 134 x 100      Image Quality: 100%
File Size: 13 K ( 13181 Bytes )
Graph of FotoKiss Transfer Time Estimate

Each file in the set is shown with a different color bar (identified by the legend on the bottom)
The time to transfer (upload or download) the files is shown on the left side of the graph.
The different clusters of bars represent different transfer speeds (28.8K to 384K).
If you see empty boxes where you expect to see photos,
then FotoKiss is unable to link to your images (or they have not been published).